Oct 28, 2015
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Sweet, Cute Pets Birthday Quotes, Wishes & Sayings

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Sweet, Cute Pets Birthday Quotes, Wishes & Sayings


You are my chosen animal of adoration, so go ahead and celebrate your birthday in a big way.

Happy Birthday. I wish that I could be the person you think I am, but you love like the great dog that you are.

I hope that you have a great day and that no one gives you a reason to bite them, because you should not bite people on your birthday.

Sometimes you claw me, sometimes you purr in my lap. Sometimes you ignore me, sometimes you take a nap. Whatever you do, I just want you to know – that my love for you will forever grow. Happy birthday.

Someone said that pets are the biggest treasures of life. I say that pets are not a part of life, they are life itself. Happy Birthday to my most treasured gift – my furry baby.

It is your birthday today so I can’t get mad at you – not that you ever understand why I am mad any way.

There’s nothing more soothing than the twinkle in your eye, your wagging tail, your loving woof and your drooling muzzle. On your Birthday I wish that you never grow up and keep harassing me with your mischievous best.

I think that people are more likely to eat the birthday cake if you let me blow out the candles. Happy Birthday.

I don’t know whether I am wishing happy birthday to my master or my pet. Happy birthday kitty.

My best friend is extremely photogenic, graceful, stylish, independent and self-centered. She is not a supermodel, she is my loving cat. Happy birthday sweetie.

Happy Birthday. You can lick me one time for every year old you are.

I don’t care about myths which say that black cats bring bad luck. All I know is that you bring happiness in my life. Happy birthday cutie.

We are the perfect pair – we both give our love freely without worrying about what we get in return. Happy Birthday.

Some dogs no tricks, but you know how to touch my heart. Happy Birthday.

If the mailman delivers any birthday cards for you, try to remember not to bite him.

Just like a candle melts away with the heat of a flame, my heart melts away with the warmth of your purr. Happy birthday little one.

Happy Woofing Birthday. Seriously. Take advantage of the day to just woof it up.

If I posted videos of your cute antics on YouTube, they would go viral because you are the cutest cat in the whole world. Happy birthday.

We are going to celebrate your birthday on the internet. That way no one will know that you are a dog.

Chocolate cake for me and treats for you. Your birthday is going to be fun! Happy Birthday.

I am not allowed to tell anyone that I love my dog as much as my child, but I can say Happy Birthday & wink!

I spent $2 on a birthday treat for you. That is almost $14 in dog money. Happy Birthday.

For your birthday, I plan to leave you alone and let you dream peacefully about rabbits and squirrels. That should be fun!

They say that the world needs more wagging and less barking, but you can do both for your birthday.

Some people say I a little bit obsessed with my dog, but they are wrong. I am way obsessed with my perfect dog. Happy Birthday perfection.

I love you because you are obedient, loyal and because you turn around 3 times before you lie down. Happy Birthday.

You can howl like the wing or growl if you wish, but there is no surprise birthday party planned for you.

You are the beginning and the end of my happiness. May your birthday be special.

Happy birthday your highness. What would you like me to get for you today? Please meow whenever you need me in any way.

You demand food by meowing loudly but no one can ever demand your attention. You demand a cozy place to take a nap but no one can ever demand to play with you. Happy birthday to the cat who is truly his own master.

Some say I’m picky and some say I whine, Some say I expect too much all of the time. It’s just a part of being a cat and the relationship I have with you, cause you’re my mom, you understand, it’s the way I show love for you! Happy Birthday To The Greatest Mommy On The Planet!

You have taken over my armchair, sofa, bookshelf, comforter, laptop and the most important of all – my heart. Happy birthday to my cuddly cat.

You are not just my pet, you are my life’s healing balm. When problems crop up from left, right and center, your cute purrs make everything seem calm. Happy birthday.

This is really you home. I just live here. So make yourself at home on your birthday.

There is only one way to describe your paws, your pointy ears, your fluffy tail and your adorable meow – cuteness unlimited. Happy birthday cutie pie.

We should all measure our age in dog years – there are way more birthdays!

Nine lives of purring, eating and napping make you the luckiest fella ever. Happy birthday.

Wag your tail if you are having a happy birthday. I thought so.

Happy Birthday to my friend who is just as happy to lick me on my birthday as on his birthday.

Even thought you tear my cushions and rip apart my books – I have no choice but to love you because of your cute looks. Happy birthday kitty.

I plan to wish you a Happy Birthday every time I see you today, because you will probably forget that you just saw me.

It would take you having a thousand birthdays for me understand the great gift of unconditional love and companionship that you give me.

You don’t know any tricks, you don’t jump in excitement when I come back from work and you ignore me most of the time. I still don’t know why I love you so much. Happy birthday kitty.

I’d exchange all the wealth of the world to have a companion like you. On your Birthday today, I hope more people create happiness for themselves by bringing home friend like you. We love you darling. Happy Birthday.

I think that you love me more than I love myself. Well I love you more than you love yourself too! Happy Birthday.

I plan to wish you a Happy Birthday every time I see you today, because you will probably forget that you just saw me.

They say if you’re lucky you’ll get one really great dog in your life.

Good times are always sure to roll with you for a buddy. Happy Birthday from your favorite friend and your best dog.

They say that the world needs more wagging and less barking, but you can do both for your birthday. Happy Birthday.

When I was little, I wanted a puppy. Now than I am big, I got what I wanted and I am so happy about it. Happy Birthday.

You have occupied my heart, which I liked. But you have also occupied my bed, for which I didn’t have a choice. Happy birthday.

They say that my love of you is extreme but I just say Happy Birthday & I love you so much, yes I do!

A dog is a man’s best friend. And a woman’s best friends and a kid’s best friend. Happy Birthday best friend.

I know you hardly care whether you have turned two, ten or fifteen as long as your food bowl is kept full and your litter box is kept empty. But here’s wishing you happy birthday anyway.

The only reason I couldn’t buy you a birthday gift is because you have been sleeping on my damn purse the whole day. Happy birthday cat.

Woof Woof…. who let the dogs out? Well it is your birthday and that is a reason to celebrate.

I think you must have been a magician in one of your previous cat lives. Your meow is like a magic wand which you conveniently wave to order food and affection. Happy birthday.

I don’t speak dog language but please accept this Woof WooF as meaning Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday to the most adorable member of this household who is the definition of the word CUTE. Happy birthday.

Whoever says that a woman’s mood swings are unpredictable, has obviously never had a pet cat. Your mood swings my dear kitty, are off the hook – but I still love you. Happy birthday.

Are you happy to see me or does your tongue hang out all the time? Happy birthday my tail-wagging friend.

Running around and around in a circle is not exactly considered a birthday dance, but for you it counts.

No medicine in the world has the power to heal heartbreak and soothe away the tension from my life like the purr of my cat. Happy birthday baby.

All the dog owners in the neighborhood are jealous of me because I have a cat as cute as you. Happy birthday.

You say so much to me without ever using a word. Unless Woof counts. Happy Birthday.

When I got you, I thought I was getting a pet cat. But as time has gone by I have obviously realized that I got myself a master. Happy birthday sir.

So yes I am experiencing puppy love because I love you so much. Come here my little birthday puppy.

I want no riches, I want no pleasure, I want no good times, I want no good luck if you’re not around to share it with me. You are the pillar in my life. Thanks for being there and I hope you like the delicious treat I’ve got for you today. Happy birthday!

Staring at your cute little face, listening to your meows and rubbing you on your head puts me in a happy face called heaven. Happy birthday kitty.

I am so happy that you missed me while I was gone. I can tell by the number of things that you chewed up. Happy Birthday.

If your cute meows didn’t melt my heart, I wouldn’t have tolerated your arrogant ways from the start. Happy birthday.

No birthday cake for you today! But I do plan to spoil you with treats. Happy Birthday.

Before you, I had fewer reasons to be happy (and the house smelled better!) Happy Birthday.

My plan for the day is to just KEEP CALM AND CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY.

Life would be boring without you to rearrange the place while I am gone. Happy Birthday.

I put cat flaps on all the doors of my house when I got you, so that you could easily enter all the rooms. Little did I know that you would easily enter the hearts of everyone in the family. Happy birthday.

There is a birthday cake on the counter. If you think that it is worth the punishment, go ahead and eat it while I am gone. But I will not be here to sing happy birthday if you do that.

Happy Birthday to my best friend who loves me more than he loves himself.

You are my muse. The one that puts the bite in my bark. Happy Birthday.

Your birthday is always a great day and I feel compelled to share this with you: 1. You’re the best person a dog could have! 2. I hate gift wrap, especially when you try to make me wear it. The funniness of it has long gone! Happy Birthday

Petting you makes me as happy as you feel getting petted – and I need to do it more than you need it. Happy Birthday.

Somebody with a big brain said Owning a dog can be intellectual, but I do it because it is fun! Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday to my cat whose name spells out as CAT – Cute Adorable and Tender.

For your birthday, I think that I will give you a new nickname. Or are the 10 you already have enough?

You make humans look good by being so great to me. You should be proud of yourself! Happy Birthday

Eat, sleep, purr and scratch – I truly envy a cat’s life. Happy birthday lucky fellow.

You have no idea how powerful your purr is. I adopted you because my heart melted when you purred and it changed my life forever. Happy birthday.

You never play with me when I want you to and you ignore me when I need you the most. You scratch me when I am most vulnerable and when I want to cuddle, you behave like a ghost. You wake me up with your meows when I am in a deep slumber. Even when you tear the upholstery, there is never an ounce of sadness on your face for you blunder. Still, I love you more than anything else in this world – because it is a heart-warming sight to see you on the sofa curled. Happy birthday.

There are a lot of dogs in the world, but you are without a doubt the best. Happy birthday!

I got you a gift on your birthday. Will you be kind enough to get into the mood of opening it? Happy birthday kitty.

If the mailman delivers any birthday cards for you, try to remember not to bite him.

I hope that someday I will have the love and compassion that you always share. Happy Birthday.

You may be my pet cat, but sometimes to treat me as a door mat. But regardless of how arrogant you seem, your cuteness will forever make my heart gleam. Happy birthday.

Every dog has its day, and today is your big day. Happy Birthday.

If you could talk instead of just bark, we would finish each other’s sentences. So I say Happy and you would say WOOF and I would then need to add Birthday.

For your birthday, I plan to come home and tell you every single thing about my day. And give you a treat!

You are a little ball of fur who brings a long smile on my face on the bluest of days. You the packet of joy who wakes me up every morning. You’re the box of goodies who trails behind me wherever I go. You are an irremovable part of my life and the best pet in the whole world. Happy Birthday love.

My boyfriend is jealous of you because I love allowing you to lick me, curl up in bed with me and play with me till no end. Even he does not get some of these privileges. Happy birthday kitty.

How can anyone live without woofs, purrs, squeaks, quacks or tweets in their life. My little buddy, on your Birthday today I thank you for gracing my life with so many wonderful memories of love. Happy Birthday.

It is your birthday and so you can smell there like you always do, but I didn’t hide your present there.

You are the truest love of my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. Happy Birthday.

I think you secretly know how cute you really are, and you take advantage of your cuteness all the time. Happy birthday cute kitty.

They say that every dog needs a copilot and I would be happy to be yours on your birthday. Then I could tell everyone about a DOG as my copilot and chuckle.

My dearest four legged friend, you’ve literally brought me smiles and drunk my tears. How can I ever say thank you to you? May you live long to spread cheers in the world. Happy Birthday.

The average dog is nicer than the average person & you are way above average! Happy Birthday.

You know what would make us both happy on your birthday? If you give me big wet canine kiss that leaves a line glistening on my face.

As a puppy, you were playful and soft and fun and lovable. And you still are. Particularly, on your birthday.

You give me love even when sometimes I give you nothing more than dry food. Happy Birthday.

I hope that you have a tremendous and quiet birthday and that SQUIRREL!!! Now what was I saying? Oh, Happy Birthday.

Belated Happy Birthday and warm wishes for the year to come.

I know when I walk in the door that you will be excited to see me. I will be excited to see you too, even if I don’t wag my tail as hard as you. Happy Birthday.

As your master, I have finally got used to the fact that I am not actually your master. Happy birthday kitty.

Was it someone famous that said What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog – it’s the size of the birthday party for the dog? Happy Birthday.

Who wouldn’t like to have a furry friend like you trailing at their heels without any complaints? You my lovely pet have been the saving grace in my crazy life. Don’t stop woofing smiles! Happy Birthday.

Mark Twain said that it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. I think that applies to love as well. Happy Birthday to the dog with the big fight & the big heart.

You are a great birthday friend because you let me scratch you behind your ears without expecting me to find a quarter or a rabbit or really anything magical.

It is your birthday today so I can’t get mad at you – not that you ever understand why I am mad any way. Happy Birthday.

I am proud to have discovered the cure to anxiety and stress. It is you, my pretty kitty – I love you in excess. Happy birthday.

Hey cat, on your birthday I want you to know that you are my idol. I wish I could sleep, eat, roam about and be loved whenever I wished without having to be nice to anyone. Happy birthday.

Unlike the cat, I keep you on a leash because I don’t want you to run away. Happy Birthday.

Bark if you love me. Bark twice if you love me even more. Happy Birthday.

Three Birthday cheers for my permanent Frisbee partner, my perfect accomplice in crime, my loyal sidekick and my soulful companion for the joys and sorrows in life. May you live more than I do. Happy Birthday.

If cats really have nine lives, I hope you take birth in my house as my pet every single time. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday. Today you get a treat without having to go to the vet & get a shot.

Home is my favorite place to be when you are there. Woof & Happy Birthday.

Tonight we can sing Happy Birthday together. Well I will sing and you can bark.

There is not a single person in the whole world who can make me break into a smile even in the middle of tears, except you. Happy birthday to my cute cat.

Your meows make me weak in the knees, your purrs give my heart a tender squeeze. The cute feline that you are, make you my life’s star. Happy birthday.

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