Nov 8, 2015
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Best 50th (Gold) Wedding Wishes & Quotes

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Best 50th (Gold) Wedding Wishes & Quotes


Happy Golden Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa. We’re proud to have you for grandparents, not many people make it together for 50 years these days. We hope to follow your example. You’re the greatest! We love you.

Love is patient,Love is kind. It does not boast,it is not proud. It is not rude,it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,always trusts,always hopes, always perseveres. This was my favorite passage in the bible long before I met your son and became a part of your family. As I reflect on the two of you I am reminded of this and how it discribes the two of you. This not only discribes the way you treat each other, but how you treat all of your loved ones. I am so thankful that Larry and I have such a wonderful example to watch. We celebrate with you the love that began more than 50 years ago! I am so blessed to be a part of a family that displays such a love. I love you both. Laura

I tried to come up with something profound to say but then i didn’t want you saying who’s this from so here it goes. To have an opportunity to share your life with someone who loves you the same no matter what you do is truly a blessing from GOD. And your blessings have transcended down to your offspring and in turn have become a blessing to us to ! what you have accomplished is no small task, we congradulate you. there is no better example to follow and emulate than you. If i have one prayer that i repeat the most it’s that i can be like you and portray the values that you passed on to each of us. I love you’all more every day. and as i struggle with the curves that come up every day in my own life, marriage, job, and parenthood i see a little of what you’all have gone through, and the many sacrifices that you made for the good of your family. I will never ever be able to thank you enough or tell you how much you really mean to me . As that child saying goes ” someday when i grow up i want to be just like my
daddy or mommie ” well so do i. May GOD continue bless you both each and every day. all my love , Larry.

50 golden years of your life, You have lived with each other and helped in each other’s strife!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Warmest congratulations and sincere best wishes on your Golden Wedding Anniversary. May your beautiful and admirable union be richly blessed and your love grow stronger! Cheers and abundant blessings as you celebrate your 50 Years of Marriage!

A relation so old only gets better with age, Where you can write beautiful songs on every page!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Dear Jack and Jan, Here’s congratulations on a REAL milestone. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Haven’t been acquainted that long but have dearly enjoyed our few phone visits. Jack inherited the wonderful sense of humor so evident in the Mills and White families. Not many of us left who ate midlin’s and carried their school lunch in a syrup can. Course Jack had it a little better than I did, he ate chicken legs and wings, all I ever got was the neck…………… Here’s to many more good ones for you guys. Your Cuz, and friend…….

Hearty congratulations for a day that’s gold, Of a marriage that is 50 years old!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!!

Jack & Jan, What a wonderful celebration you two are having! I’m sure these 50 years have flown by because you both have been having so much fun! You two are a couple of my favorite people and I hope I can E-Mail you again on your 75th!!! Sandy

Many good wishes to celebrate this day, And good luck for another 50 years that come your way!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Happy 50th wedding anniversary to my two favorite people. Not only is it hard to believe you’ve been married 50 years, but that I’ve known you for 27 of them! You may be my in-laws, but to me you’ll always be more like parents. Congratulations on getting together and having 3 great kids, and thanks for letting me share your family.

Today is the golden day of your marriage, Seeing this, newly married would surely be encouraged!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

May God continue to bless the love in your hearts and your life together with an ever-deepening faith. Best Wishes on your 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.

I wish I could sprinkle some magic dust on you guys so you could multiply and fill the planet with more wonderful people just like yourselves. The world needs positive role models today, and you two are the perfect role models of perfect role models! I know you have greatly influenced Carrie’s life, and even though I have only known you for 3-1/2 years, you have been a + (that means “positive”) influence on my life too. Make that LOTS of ++++++++’s! May God bless and enrich both of your lives–you greatly deserve it! With much love, Your Grandson-In-Law,  Jim

Love the way how caring you are, And it just with your care for each other, you have come so far!!! Happy golden anniversary!!!

50 years married and still so in love…times when I get married, I want my marriage just like yours. Congratulations for your golden wedding anniversary.

Golden sunshine. Golden smiles. Golden fun is what we want for you on the big milestone of your Golden Anniversary. You both deserve to Celebrate.

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary and best wishes for a wonderful celebration. We wish you many more happy and healthy years together.

Fifty years you held each other’s hand, And till date together you stand!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

50 years ago two people got hooked, And today a golden recipe they have cooked!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

50 years and still together that alone is a great achievement, you love each other like your just one the golden year is here but many more to come. Happy 50th Anniversary.

Completing 50 years of marriage isn’t a joke, True love within everyone, you have evoked!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Fifty golden years together. Filled with sharing, love and trust. A few upsets along the way. But these ingredients are a must! Congratulations!

Jack and Jan, WOW! What an accomplishment, 50 years! I hope this finds you both happy and healthy. I can only hope that my 14 year marriage will be as strong and long lasting as yours. Thank you for being such strong, and early supporters of RollaNet. Wishing you both many more years of love, peace, health and prosperity. Meg

Came so far with all your love, On the olive branch like the doves!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

The golden wedding anniversary is a milestone which should be taken as an opportunity to calm down and feel well together and fulfill your desire. Happy Golden Wedding anniversary!

Our familys full of joy because youre celebrating your fiftieth; And as your kids, we want to say as parents, youre the ‘niftieth!’ On your golden anniversary, we hope you have lots of fun. Were happy for you, and for us, because in the parent lottery, we won!

I can’t believe the time has come to celebrate this great day. I feel so blessed to have you here. It’s like winning my own gold medal at the olympics. Happy Golden Anniversary to my Golden Star.

It’s hard to believe that my Mom and Dad have been married 50 years! Talk about positive role models, you guys have set the example of what a loving, caring, and committed relationship is all about and I thank you for that example. My lovely wife, Jerre and I want to be just like you two when we grow up. Congratulations on achieving a milestone that many Americans never reach. You are both very special to me in many different ways and this your fiftieth year of marriage is just one more reason that I think you are the best parents in the world. I guess I am running a little long here but then I guess I come by it naturally. With Love, your son Gary.

We’ve admired you since your wedding; We appreciate the joy you’ve been spreading. We know just where you’re heading…for nothing but more smooth sledding! Of years, you’ve accumulated fifty; We think that’s really nifty! With love, you’re never thrifty; You’re really special, if you catch our drifty.

Great lesson your relation has taught, How to love each other a lot!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Our anniversary is a time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to live our dreams together.

50 years have gone since you started walking side by side through good and difficult times. I wish you all the best now for the next 50 years.

Today you share your memories only a golden wedding could bring, all these years of married bliss since the day you exchanged rings. Happy Anniversary sweetheart.

When something works well for 50 years, there sure isnt cause for complaint; Who can deny its a remarkable feat? Youd think thered be some, but there aint. Congratulations to you on this special day; Fifty years you’ve been loving and living; Our wishes are for the continuing joy, that your love and your marriage keep giving.

A marriage as pure as a 24K karat gold, Deserves a loud applause for a couple so bold!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Dear Ma and Pa: I call myself a teacher, but in truth I have learned far more from the two of you than I will ever be able to pass on to my students. I learned that family is the most important thing in the world. I learned that God is good. I learned the secrets for a happy marriage. I learned the value of humor. I learned to embrace my heritage and to be proud of it. I learned to be humble (OK, maybe I’m still working on this one). I learned how to have mountains of fun without spending a dime (just think of all the days we’ve spent in Branson without spending money). I learned lots of tongue twisters. I learned how to spend lottery money before we even win it. I learned that Miracle Whip is truly the best mayonnaise. I learned how to sneeze 8 times in a row without even breathing. I learned how armadillos cross lakes. But most importantly, I learned what “stove up” and “playing whaley” means. 🙂 Thank you for teaching me about life. Happy anniversary to the best Ma and Pa the world has ever known. I love you.

Golden rays your marriage emits, Because of the two of you, who readily commits!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!

Had I gone to a Parents-R-Us store with a handful of money, I could not have chosen any better parents than God saw fit to give me. The two of you always made sure that we had everything we truly needed in life….Love and Laughter. From you I learned countless lessons that have served me well all of my life. You taught by example and what a shining example that was and continues to be. I feel extremely blessed to be a part of our family….even if I am adopted. I love and respect you both more than you will ever know. Thank you for always standing by my side when I’ve needed you most. Congratulations on your Golden anniversary Mother and Dad.

To celebrate your golden wedding anniversary we will send you many greetings and wish you many more years together in harmony.

Now your relation turned to gold from silver, A happy speech you must now deliver!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

It takes 50 years to turn marriage into gold, Wish you maintain this warmth and never turn cold!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Hi Grandpa Jack and Grandma Jan! I Love you both. You’re the greatest. Grandpa writes the best stories. I just love them! Grandma always makes the best icecream cones when I come to visit. I love spending time with you. Love, Blake.

Today your marriage has completed half century, With all the love and sanctity!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

The anniversary couple I want to send all the luck in the world, but then it occurred to me that you have your greatest happiness already found some 50 years ago. Congratulations!

Jack and Jan, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it !! Heres hoping for another 50 every bit as wonderful as the first. Even though we only see you now and then, we think the world of your family.We hope you have a great anniversary, and a wonderful day!!!

I would like to congratulate both of you on your 25th wedding anniversary. May God bless you and fill your life with more love and happiness.

Fifty years were dipped in care, Hope further also for each other you are there!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Well, there aren’t many folks who can claim 50 years together nowadays, and frankly, we’re trying to figure out how two such ornery folks as you could make it that long together (hehehe) but we just have one thing to say – CONGRATULATIONS!!! We can only hope to be in your shoes someday. You two have meant a lot to us through the years even though we only get to see you every now and then, but for some folks, seeing them every now and then means more than seeing some folks every day! You guys are special, and we wish you another 50 years together, if you think you could stand each other that long again!

50 miles of this journey you walked, And lots of love and happiness you have stocked!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

Age does not protect against love, you are proof of that. But Love protects against aging, you are proof of that as well!

Truly great couple you are, Who has crossed 50 years of marriage and came so far!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

You two are role models for everyone who believes in eternal love, for those who trust that there really is a ‘one and only.’ You are role models for the benefits of a happy marriage through unconditional love for one person for fifty years. You are role models, showing that two are better than one, that it is better to be a team in facing life’s challenges. You are role models for commitment, for caring, for unselfish devotion. Happy fiftieth anniversary! May your love continue to be a golden beacon for the rest of us.

Fifty years ago, you said “I do”, And there is something like eternity, and now I believe it too!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!

I Love Grandpa Jack and Grandma Jan. I’m only 3 so Mom has to write my message. Grandma Jan gives the best hugs and reads books to me. Grandpa Jack plays with me. I could get more work done if Grandpa would just leave my tools alone. Ha Ha. I wuv u! Hunter.

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